@@@Hyper@Activated @@Chlorine Dioxid liquid @@@BhnrsAee® |
@@@@Activated @Chlorine Dioxid liquid @@BhnStjdf`v`® |
@@@Stabilized @Chlorine Dioxide liquid @@@ Bhns`kj® |
English home@ Japanese
home Outline@@@@Introduction of the products@@@@@@New Customers @New Year Greetings Meeting@@@ Bio-Sukegawa Hygine Science Society @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ President @@ Patent@@@@@@@@ Contact Information |
@Head Office / Kobe Office / Central Research Labolatory
@ @§UTP|QQSP@MurotaniQ|V|POANishi-kuAKobe-shiAHyogo-kenAJapan
@@@iKobe High-tech Parkj
@North Japan Office
@@@October 28@1978 (S 53)
@@@Tetsuya Sukegawa
After working at 'the Labor Science Laboratory ', Daisyowa Shiko Co., Ltd. , Daido industory Co., Ltd. etc ,
CEO Sukegawa founded the company by himself at the present location in August 1976.
He started to produce stabilized chlorine dioxide for deodorization and bacteria removal of human waste disposal plants, sewage
and garbage disposal plants and Podium Carbonate. Peroxy hydrate as bleach for cleaning and domestic use.
We also started to produce detergent, finish and glue etc. since 1978.
We have been producing powder and granules of stabilized chlorine dioxide.
These years new applied use such as resinous emulsion etc. Our business is growing rapidly.
As the only manufacturer of the product in Japan, we wish to contribute to society more widely.
Our customers of stabilized chlorine dioxide are mainly cities, towns and village and drinking water plants and sewage disposal plants.
We are trying to serve them with other related industrial chemicals.
ZAThe technology and products
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